Mesh for incontinence vs prolapse
There has been quite a few negative articles in the media regarding vaginal mesh. This has left a lot of patients confused and worried.
The major thing to understand is there is a huge difference using mesh for incontinence vs using mesh for prolapse. We use mesh for prolapse rarely and only for a cystocele or anterior vaginal wall prolapse. Mesh in the posterior compartment should NOT be used. When we place mesh for vault prolapse we use the laparoscopic approach. This is called a laparoscopic sacrocolpopexy. This procedure is the gold standard for vault prolapse. (top of the vaginal falling down). You can have a look at a detailed description of the procedure under "resources".
The gold standard for the surgical treatment for stress urinary incontinence in females remains the mid-urethral or bladder sling.
I have included an article on the matter. Please let me know if you have any more questions regarding this complicated subject.
Dr. Pieter Kruger